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Sistem Terpadu Pencegahan dan Penanggulangan Stunting

Selamat datang di SIGAP, kami adalah platform inovatif yang menyediakan informasi, sumber daya, dan dukungan bagi individu, serta keluarga yang beresiko atau mengalami stunting. Pelayanan kami mengedepankan kolaborasi serta penanganan terpadu antar unit pelayanan Pemerintah Kabupaten Langkat dalam upaya mencegah dan mengatasi stunting

Prevalensi Stunting Kab. Langkat

18.6% SSGI 2022
16.9% SKI 2023

Latest Arrivals More than 100 new products

Top Authors Successful Fellas Angular PHP 4600 Users
Popular Authors Most Successful HTML CSS 7200 Users
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Bestseller Theme Amazing Templates Python MySQL 354 Users
Top Authors ReactJs, HTML 4600 Users 5.4MB
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New Users Laravel, Metronic 890 Users 1.5MB
Active Customers AngularJS, C# 4600 Users 5.4MB
Active Customers ReactJS, Ruby 354 Users 500KB

Latest Products More than 400 new products

Brad Simmons Movie Creator React, HTML Approved
Popular Authors Most Successful Python, MySQL In Progress
New Users Awesome Users Laravel,Metronic Success
Active Customers Movie Creator AngularJS, C# Rejected
Bestseller Theme Best Customers ReactJS, Ruby In Progress
Brad Simmons Movie Creator React, HTML Approved
Popular Authors Most Successful Python, MySQL In Progress
Active Customers Movie Creator AngularJS, C# Rejected
Bestseller Theme Best Customers ReactJS, Ruby In Progress
Active Customers Movie Creator AngularJS, C# Rejected
New Users Awesome Users Laravel,Metronic Success
Popular Authors Most Successful Python, MySQL In Progress

New Members More than 400 new members

Brad Simmons Movie Creator Rating
Jessie Clarcson HTML, CSS Coding Rating
Lebron Wayde ReactJS Developer Rating
Natali Trump UI/UX Designer Rating
Kevin Leonard Art Director Rating
Kevin Leonard Art Director Rating
Natali Trump UI/UX Designer Rating
Jessie Clarcson HTML, CSS Coding Rating
Brad Simmons Movie Creator Rating
Jessie Clarcson HTML, CSS Coding Rating
Lebron Wayde ReactJS Developer Rating
Natali Trump UI/UX Designer Rating

Tasks Overview Pending 10 tasks

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